Sunday, October 21, 2012


Some nights the beast walks into the dark of this endless city of Brooklyn without no destination or any idea why or where he's going. He's looking, searching, observing girls of all age, especially the ones who walk alone. This beast acts and thinks different, he feels the hairs on his body growing, nails getting longer, just waiting and lurking around in some shadow. This is just another night and another transformation into some street filled with beautiful girls, filled with sexual prey. The beast takes notice of each  body that moves a certain way, sniffing the fragrance of individuals who walk pass him, his mind recognizing unique scents as fingerprints. This intake has a secret message buried deep in its treasure chest of sweet desires, and to open this magical box and look inside is strictly forbidden, except for the beast who has the key to his make believe world. The lovely girls look back at him and quickly recognizing his hideousness like the elephant man, their eyes wide open with fear of what he might do, so they quickly move away. Frustrated, he then goes to a nearby bar where everyone knows he's strange, but no one really knows him. He looks around for that eye contact, the way they dress, move, and the way the alcohol is working. His attention begins to focus on some gorgeous woman on the other end of the bar where the light shines dim, inviting him with that irresistible lure of lust. Howling like a wolf in his own head, he slowly walks towards her, but his intentions was interrupted by her handsome boyfriend who walked into the scene, so he makes a quick exit and back into the misty black night. By now the beast was ready to explode, leaving thirsty and on empty, he goes to the nearby river docks where lovers, singles, geeks, and freaks hang out. As he strolls, he notices an innocent girl pretty as a summer flower sitting alone, crying. This, has got to be it! The desperation of needing a friend to talk to, is almost a guaranteed way for him to hypnotize her, and an open door for his sexual appetite. He asks her if she's okay, she then takes one look at him, gets up, and without saying a word, just runs away. So now he sits down by the water overlooking New York City, thinking, wondering why does he do these things, wasting so much time and energy on detours that takes him right back where he started, nowhere. So where are we going with all of this? Why this obsession by Cupid's sexual arrow? And, who exactly is this beast? The great Socrates used to open his arguments with. "I don't know". Sounds almost too simple, and child like, wrong, it was a brilliant example of the truth. We really don't know why we behave and do strange things, why we become a wolf in sheep clothing. Lets be honest, do you always know what you're doing? Does sexual tension rule you most of the time? Does your relationship suffer from some X factor? Have you ever said to yourself, why am I with this lover? Looser? Why I do this why I do that is a never ending question that a life time is not enough to answer.  So again. who is this beast?  The beast lives, and it lives inside all of us.                                                                              (Thanks so much for visiting me, I would love to hear your afterthoughts on this or any other blog)

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